Innovation in Healthcare from Bergen Community College

Steve Adubato goes on-location to Bergen Community College’s new Health Professions Integrated Teaching Center to talk with students, faculty and staff about the changes in the healthcare profession as well as the benefits of using simulation labs to learn procedures.

9/20/16 #1906







"Hi, I’m Steve Adubato on the campus of Bergen Community College, behind me you're seeing an interesting facility, this is the Bergen Community College Health Professions Teaching Center. This is the product of something that came out of what was called the Healthcare Higher Education Bond act a few years ago. The voters of New Jersey went to the polls and they decided that they would make an investment in higher education infrastructure. I know people don't like to talk about it, it's not a sexy word, but what does it mean? It means that for years in the higher education community, they did not invest in new buildings, the money wasn't there. The voters said you know what, we need to do that. So the voters said yes and so what did that mean? It meant that many millions of dollars were put into this pot. A competitive process took place and many institutions of higher learning competed for those dollars, and Bergen Community College won that competition. And this building behind us is the product of that. So inside you have these smart classrooms, you have these learning labs with simulated situations where learning is going on. Where there’s education taking place, where frankly, the future of healthcare professionals of tomorrow are being trained and that's what's taking place here. So today we're talking to the leaders who were a part of making this happen, and you'll find out from them why this is so special and why it's going to have an impact on the healthcare of this community and beyond all of that taking place today. We are pleased to be joined by the President of Bergen Community College Dr. Kaye Walter. Kaye, behind you, this extraordinary building, this teaching center the health professions integrated teaching center is the product of what and what will it mean? Steve this is a product of the great go bond that the taxpayers of new jersey voted 3 years ago to allow higher ed in New Jersey really to upgrade their facilities so that we could train students in state of the art types of professions really to grow our economy here. This is our go bond project, and it's the integrated health professions building that will train health professionals for Bergen County. Talk about what's going to go on in there. We're going to actually going to be shooting, describing you can describe all you want but we're actually gonna send our crew inside, our great team's gonna go inside and actually try to show you, visually, what is going on in there because the labs are very hands on the work that's gonna be going on is very hands on because they're teaching people how to be ready for the healthcare jobs of tomorrow..."