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Remember Them

March 27, 2018

Remember Them

Tammy Murphy

“Being able to communicate with the public, telling them what we’re doing and how we’re doing it, and having someone like Steve Adubato who is honestly reporting and providing the facts is vitally important.”

– Tammy Murphy, First Lady of NJ

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Marketing Communications and Social Media Manager

As the Marketing Communications and Social Media Manager at the Caucus Educational Corporation, Caroline assists in curating and promoting marketing initiatives alongside our VP of Marketing. In addition to marketing, she is also responsible for the engagement and communication between our underwriters and producers regarding programming, branding and visibility. 

Previously, as an intern with CNBC, Caroline developed a foundation in production and live television. Her interest in media eventually led her to a full-time position at the CEC. With a BFA from Montclair State University, Caroline has several years of digital marketing and design experience. In addition to having a degree in the arts, she’s also heavily involved in the community. She enjoys volunteering over the weekends at soup kitchens and local animal rescues. Caroline is a firm believer that staying connected with the rest of the world is an important part of being human, which is the primary reason she has found herself in the media industry.

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